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《修復者》The Mediator

時間:2019年4月27、28日 上午10:00-下午6:00
地點:空總臺灣當代文化實驗場C-lab 工作坊(臺北市大安區建國南路一段177號)




Our civilisation has destroyed the nature, should we be responsible for fixing it? In this participatory theatre of project “The Mediator”, we will investigate the polluted soil and water on-the-spot. With scientists and experts of the field, we will also develop innovative approaches to reform the relationship between Homo sapiens and the environment. Through remediating the body and soul, we may also remediate the world.  In this biosphere, you can be more than a consumer.

//The objective of science is to get closer to the truth; but the communication and interpretation of science, is often not so.//