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▄ playaround工作坊系列講座:Tobias Burgers

▄ 後科幻成真——當科幻小說中的衝突想像成為現實

▄ 報名本講座:

▄ 科技已變,而且還會進一步改變衝突的性質。如此新衝突概念下,人類的角色會因為數位和機器人系統以及其他新技術日益減少並被接管。這樣發展下去,未來的戰事很可能只須人類決定「開戰」,各種無人駕駛、機器人、網路系統就會真的拿起武器,為人類挺身而戰。


▄ 講者簡介:Tobias Burgers是柏林自由大學Otto Suhr研究所博士候選人,曾服務於國立政治大學安全研究中心,現為日本慶應義塾大學全球研究所訪問學者。

▄ 與談嘉賓:李士傑
網際網路文化工作者與獨立研究者,關注資訊社會資訊戰爭、獨立媒體議題。國立清華大學社會學研究所博士班肄業(2007-2009, 2011-2014)。現擔任國立中興大學校長特別助理。曾擔任數位典藏與學習國家型科技計畫國際合作分項Culturemondo亞太祕書處計畫顧問(2011-2013)、 「世界文化網絡」國際指導委員(2005-)。研究主題為 eCulture:數位文化與文化之資訊傳播;網路運動;數位藝術;資訊政治與資訊社會發展;災難研究。

▌Post science fiction turned reality: How a science fiction vision of conflict is long becoming reality.

▌Technology has changed and will further change the nature of the conflict. In this new notion of conflict, the human role will be increasingly reduced and taken over by digital and robotic systems and other novel technologies. Such developments are making it increasingly likely that the future vision of conflict will be one in which humans solely will take the decision “to take up arms” and go to conflict, with unmanned, robotic or cyber systems literally taking up the arms and fighting the wars for humans.

This raises fundamental questions about the future political nature of conflict and war. Throughout the history of conflict and war the human factor and cost have been an important, if not decisive factors in questions on the necessity, utility and benefit of starting, continuing and ending wars. However, future unmanned, non-human wars would not, or only to a limited degree face questions about their cost. This raises the question of what will happen with war, if it becomes such a “low cost” affair. If the conflict becomes so easy to conduct – due to its limited costs – will the world move gradually into a continuous state of war? Should we imagine a future, in which the world is embroiled in a perpetual state of war, made possible by digital and robotic machines and other new technologies?

▌About the Speaker: Tobias Burgers is a doctoral candidate, Otto Suhr Institute, Free University Berlin, formerly at the Center for Security Studies, NCCU, Taiwan and currently a visiting fellow at the Keio Global Research institute, Keio University, Japan.