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時間:2018.10.15  10:00-12:00

地點:台灣當代文化實驗場c-lab 中山堂一樓



講者簡介:空中自體動力宣言( 創辦人 )。關注:物件化、科技史、材料史、文化批評、文化生態建構、未來人類介面、對話工具開發、( 藝術 )語言轉譯。目前正在籌備一未來文化研究組織。與虛構研究者——火旺教授成立訊息媒體:《 第二生態系 》。




講者簡介:侯君昊,哈佛大學設計研究碩士與設計博士,現任交通大學建築研究所副教授兼所長。具備應用數學、視覺傳達、電腦輔助設計、數位媒體等背景。 教學與研究興趣包括設計運算、數位構築、數學與設計、跨領域創新設計、人機互動、資訊設計等。現任交大未來空間與設計資訊學研究中心主任、交大跨領域設計科學研究中心創新長、交大跨領域藝術團隊協同指導。曾任2014歐洲盃太陽能十項全能綠建築競賽(Solar Decathlon Europe)交大蘭花屋計畫創新總監、交大健康樂活城(Eco-City)創意總監。在文化參與上,與台灣、亞洲、歐洲創新與數位文化組織合作推動智慧公民實驗室、前衛與數位文化活動。在社會參與上,歷年擔任新竹市智慧城市、都市發展、地方創生等顧問,以及台灣義築協會理事長(2016~2020)、台灣科技藝術學會理事等。 創作主要為數位設計、科技藝術跨域作品,曾於兩岸、國際展覽和研討會中發表,並曾與瑞士聯邦理工學院、京都理工學院、澳洲科廷大學、多倫多大學、紐約帕森設計學院等校合作跨國工作坊。曾擔任2013台北數位藝術節數位設計專區策展人、2017台中數位文化地景共同策展人。


講者簡介:楊雨樵,喜歡散步,喜歡樹的屍骨。除兼任日、英文翻譯外,專職為口頭傳統民間譚(oral traditional folktale)的言說藝術表演者。致力於彙整各國古代文字、神話譜系與民間譚,並自 2014 年開始於全台各地開設「世界民間譚講座」,至今逾一百五十場。曾受聲樂訓練,以獨唱家身份與各大學合唱團及其他專業樂團合作演出,2015年於台中「溪流」空間表演《我好樂—-巴哈、普賽爾歌曲與西歐民間故事》。並與藝綻室內樂團合作,於台灣各地各級學校進行音樂教育的推廣與引薦。2017年以民間譚言說藝術表演者身份,與藝綻室內樂團合作演出《純粹。聽說》。創作部分,著有甲骨文異譚集:《藝》——字中事(2014),《易》——字中事(2016),與畫家陳澈合作出版版畫詩集《Counterpoint Archive》(2017),並創辦表面雜誌《COVER》(2017-)。


講者簡介:馬可·杜塞耶(又名杜斯佳[dusjagr])是一位流浪研究者和工作坊方法學家。 他是「不正常椰子研究中心」,的成員之一,也是SGMK和Hackteria網絡的共同創辦人。 他在開始周遊列國推廣DIY / DIWO實驗室,進行生物媒介的創意實驗之前,曾經投身DIY電子界,設計合成器印刷電路板,還在蘇黎世等地舉辦過工作坊和節慶活動。 他也是椰子愛好者。


講者簡介:烏爾斯·高登茲是一名在瑞士盧塞恩工作的工程師和跨學科學者。他於1971年出生於美國西雅圖,擁有洛桑瑞士聯邦理工學院微型科技(Microtechnologoy)理學碩士學位。之後他參加國際商業和創新管理研究學程。 2016年,在哈佛醫學院遺傳學喬治·丘奇教授(Georg Curch)的指導下,他完成了合成生物學原理與應用的學程。他是GaudiLabs的創始人。GaudiLabs是專為第三文化設置的第三空間。他是Hackteria國際學會的創始成員和董事會成員,目前任教於盧塞恩應用科學與藝術學院。Urs Gaudenz的執業過程涵蓋原型開發、開放式科學研究、協作研討會等各種形式的工作和表達方式,利用自己的多元背景,探索新的技術和文化領域,而跨領域交集的空白處往往是作品誕生之地。他的作品範圍非常廣,從投機、未來主義,到非常務實和實用等包羅萬象。


Title of speech: New Space Narrative in the Digital Essence

About the speaker:

Founder of Declaration of Airborne Own-Body Kinetic Energy. SHIH YISHAN cares deeply about objectification, history of science and technology, history of materials, cultural criticism, cultural and ecological construction, future human interface, development of dialogue tools, (artistic) language translation. SHIH YISHAN is in the process of launching a research organization on the culture of the future. SHIH YISHAN has teamed up with Professor Lai Ho Wang, a virtuality researcher, to launch an information medium titled: “The Second Ecosystem”.

Title of speech: Going Forward Backwards, In the Annihilated Past

About the speaker: 

Tang Chen-wei has been a devoted monster fan since his second year in elementary school. He made the documentary Gigantic Monster Strikes Taiwan and wrote the novel Monster Landfall Alert (a literal translation). He has worked with comics artist Horyuken on a comic adaptation Zombie Crisis CKS!. He intends to continue making monster stories and other fantasies going forward.

Title of speech: Human and the Community of Artifacts

About the speaker: 

June-Hao Hou, MDesS & DDes of Harvard Graduate School of Design, is the Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University. He has backgrounds in Applied Mathematics, Visual Communication, Computer-Aided Design, and Digital Media. His teaching and research include smart living, smart cities, design informatics, digital tectonics, math & design, innovative design, human-computer interaction, and information visualization. He is the Director of the Center for Future Spaces and Design Informatics, Chief Innovation Officer of the Transdisciplinary Design and Innovation Center, and the co-advisor for the TransArt Group at NCTU. He was the Innovative Director of the Orchid House project at the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014, and Creative Director of the Eco-City project at NCTU. He is the consultant for the Hsinchu City Government in smart city, urban development, and local placemaking, and the Chairman of the Board for the Association of Humanitarian Architecture, Taiwan. He actively promotes digital arts and cultural, smart citizens lab, and advanced design researches. His works are mostly cross-disciplinary digital design and technology arts, which were exhibited locally and internationally. He has joined numerous international workshops collaborated with renown institutes, e.g. ETHZ, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Curtin University, Toronto University, Parsons School of Design. He was the curator of the Digital Design Pavilion at the Taipei Digital Art Festival 2013, and Digital Culture Landscape Taichung 2017.

Title of speech: The Science Fiction in Folktale

About the speaker: 

Yu Chiao Yang likes taking walks and the remains of trees. Aside from being a Japanese-English-Chinese translator, he is a full-time verbal art performer of oral traditional folktales. He is dedicated to collecting ancient scripts from countries around the world, family trees of mythological beings and folktales. He started giving “World Folktale Lectures” in Taiwan in 2014 and has since held over 150 events. He is trained in classical vocal music and has performed as a soloist with various university choirs and other professional orchestras. In 2015, he performed “I am good–Songs by Bach and Purcell and Western European folktales” at the “streams” in Taichung. He also teamed up with Artsblooming Ensemble to promote and introduce music education at all levels of schools in Taiwan. In 2017, he joined up with the Artsblooming Ensemble once more as a folktale performer for a performance titled “Just a Rumor”. He also has a few publications under his belt: Art – What’s In a Word (2014), Change – What’s In a Word (2016), and the collaborative work with painter Chen Che on publishing a collection of poems titled Counterpoint Archive (2017). He is also the founder of the magazine COVER (2017 to date).

Title of speech: Open Culture

About the speaker: 

Marc Dusseiller aka dusjagr is a nomadic researcher and workshopologist. He is part of the Center for Alternative Coconut Research and co-founder of SGMK and the Hackteria network. Before travelling the world for making DIY / DIWO laboratories for creative biological experimentation with living media, Marc entered the world of DIY electronics, designing printed circuit boards for synthesizers and organizing workshops and festivals mostly in Zürich. He also loves coconuts.

Title of speech: Speculative Futures of Open Science Hardware

About the speaker: 

Urs Gaudenz is an engineer and interdisciplinary scholar working in Lucerne, Switzerland. He was born 1971 in Seattle USA. He got his master in science of Microtechnologoy from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne. Subsequent to that he attended Post-Graduate programs in international business and innovation-management. In 2016 completed the course of study in the Principles and Applications of Synthetic Biology as directed by Georg Curch, Professor of Genetics at Hardward Medical School. He is founder of GaudiLabs, a third space for third culture. He is a founding member and member of the board of Hackteria International Society. He is currently on the faculty of the Lucerne School for Applied Science and Arts. In his professional practice, Urs Gaudenz makes use of various forms of work and expression such as prototype development, open scientific research and collaborative workshops. He is combining his different backgrounds to explore new technological and cultural fields and his works often emerges out of the void in this intersection. Remarkable in his work is the wide span from speculative and futuristic to very functional and applied.