G組報名連結 / Sign up for the workshop:https://www.accupass.com/go/playaround18GroupG

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「perphonance」是後劇場的自創單字,意指由(智慧型)手機創造的表演。 如今要在智慧型手機上「蓄意破解」(或顛覆)應用程式並找出方法,可是再容易不過。隨手可得的硬體和軟體就有千奇百怪的用法。本次工作坊將智慧型手機視為「科幻事實派」的主要例子昨日的科幻已成今日的事實。 智慧型手機是一把雙面刃,一方面讓人成癮和分心,另一方面若能使用得當則是一大福音。本工作坊將證明只要用智慧手機,就能打造完整的現場(舞蹈、戲劇、表演藝術)演出。


麥克斯·舒馬赫(Max Schumacher)是戲劇顧問和劇場導演,向來熱衷數位和類比媒體,並嘗試將兩者融入表演藝術。 他是後劇場媒體表演公司(Post Theater)的藝術聯合總監,該公司的作品已在全球50多個城市展出,融合當代舞蹈戲劇、媒體藝術及其他類型,總是在尋找如何才最能夠將社會、政治、文化議題轉換成舞台展演。


Title for Group G: Perphonance – subvert your smartphone

Short description for Group G:

“perphonance” is a term made up by post theater – it means a performance created by a (smart)phone. It has never been so easy to “purpose-hack” (or subvert) apps on a smartphone and find ways, you use the hard-and software “at hand” in astonishingly different ways. The workshop looks at smart phones as a prime example for “science FACTion” – which is the sci-fi of the past that has become a reality. Smartphones are double-edged swords as they create addiction and distraction – and yet, they are a blessing when used right. The workshop will show that it is possible to create entire live performances (dance, theater, performance art) with just some smart phones.


Max Schumacher is a dramaturge and theater director with continuous curiosity about digital and analog media and how they can be integrated in the performing arts. He is artistic co-director of post theater, a media performance company that has presented works in more than 50 cities around the world – fusing contemporary dance, theatre, media art and other genres – always trying to find the best way to translate relevant social, political and cultural issues for the stage.